Made of unglazed ceramic pots, sand, and water, zeer pots use evaporation to keep items cool. It’s a remarkably effective yet simple method that’s been
You’ve got Granny’s Remington Quiet-Riter. You figure you’ll use the serene isolation of power down to hide in your garret and write the great novel.
Back in the day, people used to repair socks rather than chuck them out. In the upcoming era of hyperinflation, the dollar store may become
They may also lead you to water. If you live in a city, you routinely walk and drive over a plethora of tunnels. Some of
The power’s out. You’re sitting alone in the dark. In silence. Whimpering. Betcha you wish you had a nifty emergency radio! From weather warnings to
There are two types of water filter that are absolutely crucial for survival; one is for at home, the other is portable. If things go
Cell systems are down. Land lines are ancient history. You need to contact your mutual aid community… but how? Invented in 1800’s, telegraphs enabled users
Thanks to ”avian flu”, chickens are flying the coop. You’re trying to bake, but without eggs things are looking dire. This is where vegans laugh
Hundreds of millions of chickens around the world are being killed because of the threat of avian flu. Combine that with a shortage of feed,
When the grid goes down, your GPS or cellphone won’t be reliable. When it’s up, in can also be tampered with… not that governments would