Short on space? Bugging out? Powdered fruits and veggies are your friend.

Short on space? Bugging out? Powdered fruits and veggies are your friend.

Stocking up on greens can be a challenge. Cans use a lot of space, and they don’t travel well. Frozen is great, but vulnerable to blackouts… and you may not have room for a freezer in your apartment.

That’s where dried fruit and vegetables come in. Whether freeze dried or air dried, they take earth’s bounty and compress it into a powerhouse of readily storable nutrition.

Powdering takes that one step further, making it easier to store, and to carry if you have to bug out. One teaspoon of beet powder, for instance, is the equivalent of one beet. You can mix it with water for smoothies, use it as a soup base, put it into stews or cook it with rice.

Having just a few different options can make things interesting… start with, say, spinach, pumpkin and beets, plus one or two fruits. And beautiful, beautiful garlic. And build from there.

Some Options:
Health food buffs love green powders. Green powders packed with goodies like spirulina, veggies, ginseng and more may be one of the simplest options, but it’s also expensive.

Dehydrate your own. Got a dehydrator, or a thing that dehydrates? You can dry your own veggies at home, then pop the results into a blender or coffee grinder. (More on dehydrating to come.)

Buy dry, then pulverize. Whether you’re buying packaged dried mushrooms at the local Asian market or stocking up on freeze dried veggies from online wholesalers, the option to powder is yours.

Buy ready made powdered fruits and veggies. There are plenty of online retailers selling powdered greens to a targeted market of hikers, preppers and food manufacturers. (The image above is from )

This is where having a survival community comes in handy. Together, you can pool your resources and make a wholesale purchase through a company that wouldn’t deal with you over smaller amounts. Better yet, one of you might have a restaurant or food retail business.

How much space can you save?


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